Part of my job is to find out what drugs people were on before admission, including the social ones,
Me: Do you drink alcohol?
P: No
I'm looking at this guy and thinking, "You look like you might to me."
Me: Are you sure?
P: Yes
Me: So no beer or spirits or wine
P: No
Me: Not even at Christmas or at parties?
P: Oh, you mean besides since I was admitted?
Me: Yes
P: Oh well I have the occasional drink
Me: ?
P: A slab (For the non-Aussies that's about 36 cans.)
Me: A slab? How long does that last?
P: ?
Me: How often do you buy a slab?
P: Lunch-time and on the way home from work.
Me: Every day?
P: (Short pause.) Sometimes I get an extra one at the week-end for the missus.