Saturday, September 12, 2009

Question of the day....

Q: How many tiny, tiny ball bearings in a skateboard wheel?

A: I don't know, I haven't found all of them yet.

#4 just broke his skateboard doing a really ultimate something or other, in the front room. Now I've got Sting in my head singing "Every step you take" as I manfully try and sweep thousands of tiny ball bearings up off a tile floor. (I'd use my vacuum cleaner but I think they might break it.)

#4 wants to know how he's going to practise doing his really ultimate whatevers. I have a few suggestions.


Milla said...

I'll tell you another thing you don't want to know, how many tiny polystyrene balls in a bean bag!

Eve said...

My heart froze as I read that, I mentally did an inventory of our furniture, phew.....