Saturday, January 3, 2009

The fossilised blogger....

I am officially ancient. My oldest child is eighteen, I can't believe it. That means I was about twelve when I had him!!!!

I have done a quick mental retrospective on his life and have decided that time flies when you're raising monsters. I remember him being born, I set a new foul language record for the hospital, which wouldn't have been so bad except I worked there at the time. People kept coming to visit me and asking if some of what I'd said was true, unfortunately most of it was.

I remember him being tested for Downs syndrome as he has single palmar crease, and having an operation at only eight weeks of age. I remember looking for the "666" on his head at three in the morning. I remember his first day at school (I cried) and his last ( I cried, he was expelled). I remember the first time I caught him drinking, and his first serious girlfriend ( AKA the Troll).

I realise that he's grown up and he's still a baby. He answers me back and sulks like any teenager, but I can still make him twitch nervously with one look, and he'll never be able to lie to me.

I can't believe my baby is eighteen.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe it either- wow! I remember him mashing banana into my rug when I lived in Woolton. He was staggering about in a pale blue babygro and the cutest thing I have ever seen. Congratulations and Happy Birthday to him.

Messy Jess said...

How sad and sweet at the same time...
Just think - Grandbabies! The more to love!

Anonymous said...

Wow - 18! A few years yet before #4 reaches that grand age....

Anonymous said...

My sister's youngest is 18 as well. What the heck? How did that happen? We're trying to focus this year and pay attention to what we're doing in hopes of slowing the rush of time past us!

Anonymous said...

Eve, I've got a few years on you - mine are 27 and 26! I feel positively prehistoric!!