Thursday, July 17, 2008

How the cat amuses herself....

The cat spends about sixteen hours asleep a day, has a few snacks here and there, plays with number 4, which leaves her with a few spare hours to kill each day. I have recently become aware of just how she is spending this time.

When we first got her as a little kitten I was worried that she would be eaten by the dog next door, which is a small elderly schitzu. The fence is a wire one and I was sure she would wander and be savaged. "Don't worry," said Homer,"the dog is deaf and blind, it'd have to trip over the cat to find it." I was only slightly calmed because I know Homer hates cats and would be glad if she was eaten.

I didn't need to worry though, the cat soon worked out that the shitzu couldn't see or hear her. One of her favorite games now is to run up to the dog and bat it on the bum, and then retire to a safe distance as the dog runs in circles searching for her.

When she tires of that game she goes to the back fence and sits on the top of it. This drives the rottweiler that lives there insane with anger. It barks and yelps and snarls and foams and runs up and down the fence howling. Eventually the dog's owner appears at their back door and screams at his dog to " Shut the F**** up." By which time the cat is no longer on the fence.

She has been known to repeat this trick several times in an hour. I admit I found out about this trick when I went to see what in the name of God the dog at the back was barking about, and caught the cat slinking off the fence, and then observed her repeat the trick. I haven't visited said neighbour to complain about his dog barking.

After all this activity it is time for a rest. She does this on a sunny patch of grass in front of our other neighbour's floor to ceiling windows. This has driven the Beagle in residence literally around the twist. I found out about this when I noticed that they had put peculiar curtains up at three feet above floor level. Not a good decorating look, in my opinion. I mentioned the curtains to the neighbour, and was told about my cat's afternoon activities.

My neighbour said, "I'm sure that cat knows what she is doing." I was about to disagree and comment on the coincidence of the position of the afternoon sun, and then I considered the cat's other hobbies. I kept my mouth shut.


Milla said...

Home (Homer hates cats and would be glad if she was eaten) sounds a wise and good man!

Eve said...

See, I knew you weren't well when you said you could almost like my cat......

Kathy said...

That is so funny. The cat who lives across the road has taken to walking on our fence and setting of next doors sensor lights, which happen to be directly across from my bedroom window. I keep waking at 2am thinking its morning.

Eve said...

Now you know it's deliberate!